

5171 Uppsatser om Historical perspective - Sida 1 av 345

Om associationer till vatten

This paper is intended to provide a picture of which associations water can wake in the human mind from the perspectives of garden history as well as from that of environmental psychology. I hope to paint a fairly broad picture of our perception of water that can serve as a basis for discussion and as a starting point for different forms of design work in landscape architecture. The Historical perspective emphasizes the importance of water as a condition for the emergence of gardens and in a wider perspective the importance of water in early cultures. Also, I describe a picture of how water has been used throughout the history of gardens from early Egypt to the baroque era. The garden history analyzed from an art Historical perspective gives a picture of human associations to water, and the history behind these associations is presented. As a compliment to the art history approach, I have chosen to highlight our associations with water from the perspectives of environmental psychology and evolutionary science.

Zenbuddhistiska meditationsträdgårdar - för ökat välbefinnande i Sverige

This paper is intended to provide a picture of which associations water can wake in the human mind from the perspectives of garden history as well as from that of environmental psychology. I hope to paint a fairly broad picture of our perception of water that can serve as a basis for discussion and as a starting point for different forms of design work in landscape architecture. The Historical perspective emphasizes the importance of water as a condition for the emergence of gardens and in a wider perspective the importance of water in early cultures. Also, I describe a picture of how water has been used throughout the history of gardens from early Egypt to the baroque era. The garden history analyzed from an art Historical perspective gives a picture of human associations to water, and the history behind these associations is presented. As a compliment to the art history approach, I have chosen to highlight our associations with water from the perspectives of environmental psychology and evolutionary science.

"Låtom oss enligt gammal bömisk sed kasta ut dem genom fönstret!" : Historieläroböcker ur ett berättelseperspektiv

This thesis deals with the question of how and to what degree Swedish history books for schools changed between the early 20th century and the 1960s. The theoretical foundation for this study is a perspective which treats historical accounts as narratives, bringing meaning and orientation to the present. According to this perspective, historical accounts may be divided into four different types of narratives, traditional, exemplary, critical and genetical. The basis for this division is how the narratives use the past to make the present understandable.The following conclusions are reached:That Swedish history books for schools have changed less, and in a moore gradual way than those dealing with general history. There is a growing use of genetical narratives at the expense of mainly exemplary ones.

Den planerade undervisningen om det finska kriget : En studie av hur gymnasielärare i Västerbotten och Österbotten planerar att undervisa om det finska kriget 1808-09

This study examines how upper secondary school teachers in Västerbotten and Österbotten plan to teach about the Finnish War 1808-09. The study includes written interviews with nine teachers in Västerbotten and eight teachers in Österbotten, who have answered questions concerning school policy documents, content and didactic methods. The purpose has been to examine whether there is a difference in historical culture in how the war is treated in the two regions. Historical culture is here meant within the prospective history lesson, where the pupils encounter history within certain boundaries.The result of the interview study shows that there are differences in structure concerning the school policy documents, but that these differences on the whole are compensated by the widespread interest in the Finnish War by the teachers in both regions. The differences in historical culture can be found within the construction of the content when it comes to the aftermaths of the war as well as the purpose of the teaching.

Kan man erfara historia? : Elevers syn på museet som lärandemiljö - om historieundervisning och historiemedvetande

This essay is a case study based on two sources of empirical data, qualitative interviews and responses from a questionnaire, which examines upper secondary school students? attitudes to history teaching in a museum context. The students? answers are further analyzed in relation to the concept of historical consciousness. Thus, history teaching in the museum, from a student perspective, and the students? capacity of expressing a historical consciousness in their answers, constitute the core of this essay.

En granskning av det postkoloniala perspektivet i läromedel i historia

The essay examines and compares three different textbooks used in gymnasieskolans A- course from a postcolonial perspective. The method used in the essay is a qualitative analysis. Edward Said?s postcolonial theories are used as a tool to facilitate the analysis of the textbooks. The purpose of the essay is to examine how the textbooks depicts different parts of the world, are they depicting a multicultural world view, or are the textbooks assuming a western perspective in their description of the world.

Förmedling och framställning av historia i Tv-spel : En analys av den historiska miljön och atmosfären i Red Dead Redemption

This bachelor´s thesis analyzes the video game Red Dead Redemption and the historical use of the environment and atmosphere in the game. The theory and method used is media research and social memory studies. Two questions were asked: how does Red Dead Redemeption convey and produce the historical environment and the historical atmosphere. Furthermore subqueries/criterias were used to help answer the main questions.The analysis was divided into two parts, the first part we analyze and discuss the games historical environment and the second part analyzes and discusses the historical atmosphere of the game.The conclusion is that both the historical environment and the historical atmosphere is present in the game through picture and sound, the text only works as a guide. The picture and sound live in a symbiotic relationship and depend on each other to fully immerse the player to the game.

Matematikens historia i undervisningen

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the history of mathematics can be used in teaching and whether pupils? attitudes to mathematics can be affected by this. In order to do this a school project about the history of mathematics is planned, implemented and analysed.The following questions are addressed:? Why use the history of mathematics in teaching?? How can the history of mathematics be used in teaching?? Can a Historical perspective in teaching affect pupils? views on mathematics?The school curriculum emphasizes the importance of history in teaching. Literature, scientific articles and government inquiries call attention to the positive effects of including a Historical perspective in teaching.The school project, which underlies this thesis, is put to practice by 25 pupils in a mathematics science profile class.

Gymnasieskolans fysikämne i ett historiskt perspektiv - The physics subject of the upper secondary school in a historical view

The purpose of this project is to examine the development of the upper secondary school physics course and from this get a better understanding why the course is organized the way it is today. The timeless argument for studying science in school will begin this essay. After that the reader will be aware of when important discoveries in physics were made. Then school history is presented. In this part we are told when the first school started in Sweden, but the focus lies on the upper secondary school and the physics course.

Lokalhistoria i undervisningen : En analys av 6 gymnasielärarnas historiebruk och 4 gymnasieelevers historiemedvetande på några svenska gymnasieskolor.

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

"Kung Alkohols utdrivande..." : Folkbildning och nykterhetsarbete hos Logen Leon Gambetta, Varberg 1883-1926

The essay deals with adult education from a local perspective more specifically that ofthe IOGT lodge Leon Garnbetta in Varberg. The material that has been used covers a limited period of time, which stretches from 1883 to 1926.This temperance lodge was founded in 1883 and is still active. The essay provides a historical survey of the temperance movement in Sweden and depicts the ideas behind adult educa­tion, but it also gives a more general historical account of the town of Varberg and its popu­lar movements.By studying handwritten records from the lodge it is possible to establish a picture of its work, activities, discussions, its striving for democracy, educational activities and the principles behind these and finally the lodge's own library which was started at an early stage. All these aspects are then treated in a historical and a political context..

Hallandspostens skildring av fotbollshuliganismen : En redogörelse mellan årtiondena 1970 till 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

Bidrar utställningen "Maria - Drömmen om kvinnan" till genusperspektivet inom det konstvetenskapliga fältet?

The purpose with this essay is to study if the exhibition, Maria-Drömmen om kvinnan has a gender perspective and if it contributes to the history of art. The study shows what kind of women the exhibition illustrates and what kind of perspective it has. By telling about the black Madonna I also show that there is another representation of the middle age women in the Roman Catholic Church at this time that the exhibition not have included. The study is also going to illustrate the difference between a genderperspektiv in art and a women?s perspective.

Varför Storbritannien? : Svenska uppslagsverk och det historiska förklaringsperspektivet (1907-1998)

Title: Why Great Britain? ? Swedish Encyclopaedias and the Explanatory Perspective of History, Essay in History AbstractIn my essay I describe how Swedish 20th century encyclopaedias interpret the coming about of the British Empire, the overall purpose being to establish a pattern of evolution in terms of historical understanding on the part of the encyclopaedic literature. Firstly, I have tried to determine whether the presentations at all constitute explanatory efforts. In those cases where they do, I have sought to ascertain whether the reasons put forward are to be understood as structural and stable, or as matters of less permanence. I have also tried to link these interpretations to significant ?constructions? of history ? i.

Socialsekreterarens resonemang kring barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

In Sweden the social assistance from a Historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

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